Mind is a Friend and an Enemy at the same time. If we identify ourselves with the content of the mind, then we are at the mercy of it, sometimes happy and sometimes unhappy without knowing why. For simple reason, Mind is made of Duality. It's very nature is Dividing existence, cutting everything in pieces. Union is not his nature. We can compare the Mind to a Prism. When a light fall into a prism, the light will be divided (broken) into millions of colors. Then we fall in love with those colors and would like to possess them. We enter into the world of Matters and feeling of possession, desire, envy will rise. This is the beginning of Unhappiness. Unless we start the journey back to the source to the home, means to our origin, The Light itself before hitting the prism. With Psycho-Spiritual Analysis is possible to find back our origin, our union and oneness.